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Adult-only staffs to administer viable support to jamboree program

        Pulse       Operation Arrow 2017

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A limited number of adult roles will be available on the Operation Arrow team as an adviser with one of our three primary program areas. In addition to this, the Order of the Arrow will enhance the overall jamboree experience with two adult-only staffs, the Aerial Sports Team and the Medical Transport Corps.

The 100-member Aerial Sports Team will provide ground-based support to the jamboree’s climbing sports experience. These roles will include organization and care of equipment, managing participant flow and harness fitting.

The 50-member Medical Transport Corps will provide non-emergent medical transportation throughout the Summit Bechtel Reserve during the 2017 National Jamboree. Applicants for this staff do not need formal medical backgrounds but they should be willing to undertake first-aid missions in support of jamboree staff, participants and visitors.

Interested adult Arrowmen should apply to join the Operation Arrow team through the BSA jamboree registration system and pay the required deposit. In addition to jamboree staff requirements, prospective adult Arrowmen must:

  • Be able to commit to either the full-length (session 1) or a half-length (session 2 or 3) of the jamboree
  • Be physically fit and meet the BSA height & weight guidelines
  • Obtain approval from their lodge adviser

When applying, please make sure to have your BSA member ID accessible. Adult Arrowmen should choose session 1 (July 15th-29th, 2017 -– full jamboree), session 2 (July 15th-22nd, 2017 -- half jamboree), or session 3 (July 22nd-29th, 2017 -- half jamboree) and then select “6311 - Program - OA Aerial Sports Team” or “6213 - Program - OA Medical Transport Corps” to be considered.

Given the limited space, placement on one of our adult-only staffs is not guaranteed. Adult applicants are encouraged to list another jamboree staff as one of their three preferences during the application process. There are a multitude of other opportunities available in over 60 jamboree program areas non-OA affiliated that can use significant adult staff and support.

General questions about Operation Arrow staff and the OA’s role at the 2017 National Jamboree can be directed to @email.

We look forward to serving with you as we #FuelScoutingsAdventure in 2017!