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Chiefly Speaking

        OA Today

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Chiefly Speaking


This year has many opportunities for us to capture and shape our Order. We are excited to work together with lodge leaders across the country as we rise to the occasion and build the new era of the Order of the Arrow. In just our first month as your national officers, we have had the privilege to join you at chapter, lodge and section virtual events across the country. Each event we attend reminds us of the critical role you and our local programs play in delivering our mission and ensuring our program is available to all future youth. 

Interacting with Arrowmen has grounded our perspective for our terms as national officers. Earlier this month, we discussed how we want 2021 to be remembered:

“2021 will chart a new course for the Order of the Arrow by aligning national programs to support all lodges. The future of our organization rests on the success of our local programs, now, more than ever. In these tough times, we will hold ourselves accountable to be transparent and inclusive with our members through constant, meaningful communications. Our youth leaders will be empowered to make a significant impact on our Order now to build our future.”

2021 National Order of the Arrow Officers Vision Statement

As our movement continues navigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the BSA restructuring, our Order needs commitment from leaders at all levels of our organization. As we emerge from this crisis, we believe it is essential that every lodge has a voice in shaping the future of the Order of the Arrow. This summer, your lodge Key 3 are invited to join us at the Philmont Training Center for the 2021 National Council of Chiefs to represent your lodge and play a critical role in building our new era.

We have seen through all this how virtual events have become more than an alternative option for our members, but a truly impactful part of our Order’s program. Building upon the success of our first two events, we’re inviting all Arrowmen to tune in to Momentum: Discover on April 23-24, the next installment of the Momentum event series. At Momentum: Discover, Arrowmen will be provided more high-caliber training, exciting programs and knowledgeable guest speakers as we celebrate the power of the outdoors and camping. 

Now is the time to address our Order’s most significant challenges. We’re committed, alongside each of you, to improve our movement over the next year. Together, we will continue to prioritize youth leadership driven by our core values—brotherhood, cheerfulness and service.


In brotherhood,

Derek Porter
Derek Porter
2021 National Chief
Greg Brown
Greg Brown
2021 National Vice Chief