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Order of the Arrow Sash Prices Reduced

  Cortland Bolles             OA Today

Order of the Arrow Sash Prices Reduced Article Header

A Scout is thrifty! Everywhere you look, you see prices increasing for every day items as well as for specialty items. Unless you’re looking for a new Order of the Arrow (OA) sash!

We’re excited to share the news that the retail price of an OA sash has dropped by 20%! Scouting America Outfitters (formerly National Supply Group) partnered with OA leadership several months ago to commit to identifying a vendor that could meet our mutual expectations for a quality sash at a lower cost to every OA member.

After a thorough search and review of several sample materials, we’re pleased to share that those expectations have been met! You’ll already see that the retail price of an OA sash in Scout Shops and online has gone down from $24.99 to $19.99. Bulk purchases by lodges will also see a reduction in cost at each volume break starting this spring.

OA leadership is grateful to the effort by Scouting America Outfitters to be able to reduce the cost of a sash as a barrier to entry to the Order of the Arrow. We believe this will be another of many steps forward for the OA to be why Scouts want to stay in Scouting.

Click here to purchase a sash at these new discounted prices!