Are you an Operation Arrow staff member who has a special skill or a hidden talent? Now you will have the chance to share your talent at the 2017 National Jamboree with your region's Operation Arrow contingent! During each region’s evening gathering, Arrowmen from around the nation will show off their skills in Operation Arrow’s Got Talent. The top contestant from each region will perform during the final Operation Arrow gathering in front of the entire Operation Arrow staff.
Can you juggle? Play trombone? Balance a fidget spinner on your nose? Perform magic tricks? To participate, fill out this short registration form by the day before your respective region's gathering (find when your region gathering is here). Guidelines for entry appear at the top of the form. All selected contestants will be notified by lunch the day of their region gathering through the email they provide. Further details about the selection of candidates and guidelines for advancement in the competition will be announced at a later date. Don't miss out on this opportunity for camaraderie, fun and fellowship as we fuel Scouting's adventure together this summer!