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The national Order of the Arrow chairman answers your questions on a regular basis. You may contact the chairman, Chris Grove, at @email.
Q. Mr. Chairman, I am writing this email in regards to national policy on ceremonies. A few years back, national brought...
Q. Mr. Chairman, I am writing this email in regards to national policy on ceremonies. What is national policy regarding face...
Q. Ray, I know that the council is the steward of the funds in our OA account. Can the council remove...
Q. Ray, What should become of the letter that an Ordeal candidate writes to the lodge secretary? Thanks for your opinion on...
Q. Ray, A scout, new to our troop, was elected to OA in his old troop and then transferred to our...
Q. Ray, We have recently moved to another city and someone told me that the the camping requirement must be fulfilled...
Q. Ray, A Scout's parent would like to know if the required service time with the Order of the Arrow counts...
Q. Dear Ray: There has been some confusion regarding a "time period" requirement. Because of the wording "during the two-year period prior...
Q. Ray, Can a Scout who is elected in the spring attend a spring Ordeal? Thank you, Randall A. Randall, Thanks for the question. As soon...
Q. Ray, What is the term of office for the OA Troop/Team Representative? Some unit leaders use a 6 month term,...
Q. Ray, Can a Scoutmaster ask that a 20yr old Assistant Scoutmaster who had been a first class scout or higher...
The information on this page may not reflect the changes to the Order of the Arrow membership requirements effective February...