The Ask the Chairman page is not currently active. For up to date FAQs, please use the FAQ section of the website that can be found here.
The national Order of the Arrow chairman answers your questions on a regular basis. You may contact the chairman, Chris Grove, at @email.
Q: Ray, How can youth members of my lodge get more information and sign-up for the OA High Adventure programs? A: The...
Q: Ray, After being inducted as an Ordeal member or sealing your membership in the Brotherhood, must you stay registered in...
Q: Mr. Capp, When someone is selected to receive the Vigil Honor from the selection committee, do they have a certain...
Q: Ray, Our lodge has a lot of fun and exciting products that we do a great job of selling. I...
Q: Ray, I am wondering if there is an actual requirement to use LodgeMaster to communicate with the lodge members? Including...
Q: Ray, Why are some of the gold-level requirements for the Journey to Excellence (JTE) program so unfair? I’m a member...
Q: Ray, I've heard a lot of talk about Operation Arrow, but am not sure what the right fit for me...
Q: Dear Ray, Is it acceptable for members of a chapter or lodge to not participate in one or more of...
Q: Ray, I have heard that there is a transition happening and that the OA will have a new chairman, soon....
The information on this page may not reflect the changes to the Order of the Arrow membership requirements effective February...
Q: Ray, Outside of the Order of the Arrow, does the national chief (or national vice chief for that matter) have...
Q: Ray, Can the region chiefs be considered as candidates for national chief or national vice chief after their term as...