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Ask the Chairman

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The national Order of the Arrow chairman answers your questions on a regular basis. You may contact the chairman, Chris Grove, at @email.

Ask the Chairman - What training is available for chapter advisers?

Q. Ray, Recently in many councils there has been a big push the get direct contact leaders trained. They have laid...

Ask the Chairman - Is there an age requirement for an OA Troop/Team Representative Adviser?

Q. Dear Ray, Does an assistant Scoutmaster acting as the troop representative adviser need to be at least 21 years old...

Ask the Chairman - Can ceremonies be performed according to local Indian tribe custom?

Q. Hello Ray, I am from a lodge in Hawaii. There is a question in our lodge on whether we can...

Ask the Chairman - Can I maintain my OA membership in a Venturing crew after my induction?

The information on this page may not reflect the changes to the Order of the Arrow membership requirements effective February...

Ask the Chairman - Can volunteer time be counted towards the camping requirement for membership?

Q. Dear Ray, We have a Scout that is three nights short in meeting the two year, 15-night camping requirements. He...

Ask the Chairman - What BSA membership is necessary for OA membership?

Q. Ray, As the membership record keeper of my lodge I have been asked what BSA registration is necessary to maintain...

Ask the Chairman - Can an OA Membership be given Posthumously?

Q. Ray, Has there ever been an OA membership given posthumously for an adult leader? We would like to recognize a member...

Ask the Chairman - How will those adults who gave up their spots at NOAC obtain the centennial sash?

Q. Ray, How will those Arrowmen who gave their spots at NOAC be able to obtain a centennial sash? A. The national...

Ask the Chairman - Can the OA Legend be used as part of a public ceremony?

Q. Ray, My lodge is looking to develop a public recognition ceremony which will be used at summer camp. In the...

Ask the Chairman - What is the role of the Scoutmaster and the OA Troop Rep during a unit election?

Q. Dear Ray, I am the parent of an OA troop representative. I found out that our Scoutmaster changed the results...

Ask the Chairman - Are Arrowmen allowed to wear OA Legend patches on their sashes?

Q. Hi Ray, With the NOAC 2015 fast approaching, Scouts from our troop that are participating are getting anxious and excited...