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Lodge Ledger

Lodge Ledger has been replaced with Officer Outlook. For most recent communications, please visit

News, ideas, and information for lodge leadership.

Lodge Ledger: Centennial Blaze #9 - Arena Shows

One of the most exciting parts of the National Order of the Arrow Conference happens at night. Most evenings during...

Lodge Ledger: Centennial Blaze #5 - Fundraising Ideas

Are you excited about going to NOAC 2015, but unsure how your lodge can raise enough money to bring along...

Lodge Ledger: Call to select your lodge history book chairman

The next step in the 2015 Legacy Project is fast approaching. Soon, your lodge will be asked to research and...

Lodge Ledger: Putting the WWW into Recognitions and Awards

The Order of the Arrow is always striving for ways to recognize its members. Whether at the chapter, lodge or...

Lodge Ledger: Don't forget to recharter your lodge for 2014

Every year, each Order of the Arrow lodge must submit a charter renewal form in order to maintain their membership....

Lodge Ledger: New Innovation Award announced for lodges and chapters

The national Order of the Arrow committee recently introduced an Innovation Award, designed to recognize lodges and chapters that come...

Summer fires blaze in the Western Region

Residents of the southwestern part of the United States faced a summer of grueling and intense wildfire. These blazes affected...

Lodge Ledger: Lodge charter renewal and JTE changes

By now each lodge should have received the 2014 Lodge Charter Renewal Kit. It was mailed to Scout executives on...

Lodge Ledger: Centennial Blaze #4 - Public Launch

This is the fourth edition of this publication, and it is dedicated to NOAC recruiting kickoff. Previous editions described the...

Lodge Ledger: Are you a winner? Compete in the 100th anniversary identity contest to find out!

The Order of the Arrow is seeking input to develop the identity that will represent its 100 years of cheerful...

Lodge Ledger: The legacy lid project is underway!

It's been just over a year since NOAC 2012, and we are already on our second step of the legacy...

Lodge Ledger: Alabama Lodge Teams with Venturing Leaders at Council Camp

This summer, the Greater Alabama Council's Hugh M. Comer Scout Reservation got a big hand from some of Coosa Lodge's...