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OA Today

News for all Arrowmen about what's happening today in the Order of the Arrow.

Mark Twain National Forest Site Dedication

In the summer of 2008, the Order of the Arrow looked to send 5,000 Arrowmen to five national forests across...

One-on-one with the OA’s new associate director

How long have you been a member of the Boy Scouts of America?   I signed up as a Cub Scout...

The NEXT Factor

Do you have a great idea that you have always wanted to share with other Arrowmen? Something that is truly...

Staffing national events is a fun, challenging experience for Arrowmen

15,000 Arrowmen attended the National Order of the Arrow Conference last summer. Over 85 percent of them took in all...

Meet the 2016 national officers: Central Region Chief Logan Greene

Logan Greene wants to connect with every Arrowman in the Boy Scouts of America. Greene, 19, was elected 2016 Central...

Not So Long Ago, In a Lodge Not Too Far Away

One of the toughest and most consistent challenges for any lodge is the ability to host successful events. An often...

Profile in Unselfish Service: Tyler Allen

The Order of the Arrow is full of opportunities to serve. 2013 Northeast Region Chief Tyler Allen found these opportunities...

History of Buckskin Lodge

Buckskin Lodge, of Theodore Roosevelt Council #386 headquartered in Massapequa, NY, is a lodge steeped in history and tradition, dating...

Centennial Belt Buckle

Back by popular demand... the Centennial Belt Buckle. Head on over to the Trading Post to get yours today. ...

Joining the Centennial Campaign

The Order of the Arrow's 100th anniversary was an exceptional time that will be talked about for many years. The...

What’s in a theme?

If you attended the 2015 National OA Conference, you would be hard pressed to find someone who did not know...

Section chief hikes it up for OATC

Ask any of the hundreds of current and former section chiefs and they’ll tell you the same thing: the job...