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Mark Twain National Forest Site Dedication

  Steven Lardin             OA Today

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In the summer of 2008, the Order of the Arrow looked to send 5,000 Arrowmen to five national forests across the country. This was called ArrowCorps5 and the purpose of this endeavor was to complete a massive service project which made an immense impact on the national forests. The idea for this project began in 2006 and 2007, and it was narrowed down to five national forests across the country so that Arrowmen from all over could come together and make a lasting impact through cheerful service. The summer-long series of service projects kicked off at the Mark Twain National Forest in Rolla, Missouri. This was the largest service project ever completed by any federal land management agency and the largest by the Boy Scouts of America since World War II.

Steve Miller, past Section C3-B Adviser, volunteered at the Mark Twain National Forest during ArrowCorps5. In an interview, Steve stated, “The majority of the project was to clear cedar trees from an area and bring back the glades. While the Arrowmen worked, the project was aimed to clear 40 to 50 acres and we ended up clearing over 130 acres, in addition to clearing 284,785 trees.” On March 19, 2016, the “Arrowmen’s Glade” within the Mark Twain National Forest was dedicated in a special ceremony to commemorate the work of the 576 participants and 147 staff on site. Steve Miller and his team helped organize this fantastic reunion. He said, “From the beginning, we have always had servant leadership but in 2008 we took this to a national level showing America what we could do.” The participants, staff and U.S. Forest Service personnel assembled at this special spot created within a base camp in the Ozark Mountains. All of the Arrowmen who helped at ArrowCorps5 were invited to celebrate their work that was accomplished years earlier. Steve has been working for over 8 years to dedicate this site and there is now a sign that states “Arrowmen’s Glade” within the grove that commemorates the service project.

For over 100 years, Arrowmen from all around the country have tried to make the world a better place, and during ArrowCorps5 they came together and did something to make a lasting impact on the natural world. Everybody who worked on the project dedicated themselves to cheerful service and to making a difference. This dedication eight years later crystallizes the value of service in the Order of the Arrow.