Q: Ray, I am wondering if there is an actual requirement to use LodgeMaster to communicate with the lodge members? Including...
Q: Ray, Our lodge has a lot of fun and exciting products that we do a great job of selling. I...
Q: Mr. Capp, When someone is selected to receive the Vigil Honor from the selection committee, do they have a certain...
Q: Ray, After being inducted as an Ordeal member or sealing your membership in the Brotherhood, must you stay registered in...
Q: Ray, How can youth members of my lodge get more information and sign-up for the OA High Adventure programs? A: The...
Q: Ray, In your role, you work closely with the national officers. How do you work with them to ensure they...
Q: Dear Ray, My council is considering a merger with a neighboring council. I have heard that the BSA has a...
Q: Ray, I am the training chairman for my lodge. I am looking for resources that might help me to develop...
Q: Ray, Now that the 100th anniversaries of the BSA and OA have passed, will the Order of the Arrow return...