As the summer comes to a close, we look back at all of the Scouting fun that took place. From weeks spent at summer camps across the country, to treks at our high adventure bases through OA High Adventure, to the National Order of the Arrow Conference in Boulder, CO, this summer was packed with Scouting opportunities. However, as the summer wraps up and we move towards the fall, many lodges and sections are beginning to look towards their fall programs. From conclaves to inductions, planning is now underway for all of the wonderful events that are in the near future. As we are planning these events, we should remind ourselves of the standards that all overnight OA events are expected to follow, listed through the National Camp Accreditation Program (NCAP).
Some people may be asking themselves, what is NCAP? NCAP, or the National Camp Accreditation Program, is a program that helps councils and camps to improve their programs through reviews and assessments of their properties, programs, and practices. Each year, NCAP publishes a list of standards for both short-term and long-term camps, with a focus on improving the health, safety, and well-being of all involved in these programs. You can learn more about NCAP and view resources at https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/camp-accreditation/.
So how does this apply to the OA? Overnight OA events are generally classified as short-term camps. A short-term camp is defined as “any council-organized overnight camping program, whether one-time or continuing, that is one, two or three nights in length where the council or its agents provide the staffing and may provide program and food services, and includes camps conducted off council properties.” (2024 NCAP National Camp Standards, SA-001) As a short-term camp, it is important to follow the standards listed for short-term camps. To help ensure that these standards are followed, each OA event/camp should have a qualified short-term camp administrator. The role of the short-term camp administrator is to ensure that each short-term camp program meets the applicable standards, as well as ensuring that all facilities used are safe, and that health and safety provisions are made. To see the qualifications for a short-term camp administrator, see NCAP standard SQ-403.
As you prepare for upcoming events, remember to keep these requirements in mind. You can view the 2024 edition of the NCAP National Camp Standards, as well as the latest NCAP Circular, at https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/camp-accreditation/. For more resources regarding short-term camps, head to https://www.scouting.org/outdoor-programs/camping/short-term-camp/. If you have any questions regarding NCAP or short-term camp administration, reach out to your local council’s NCAP chairperson, or a qualified short-term camp administrator in your council. Let’s get ready for fun and safe events this season!