This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow High Adventure (OAHA) Program and we want you to be a part of it! Who better to tell you about their OAHA experience other than recent recipient of the OA Triple Crown Award, Zack M. He had the opportunity to attend three different OAHA programs: OA Trail Crew (Philmont), OA Summit Experience (Summit) and OA Ocean Adventure (Sea Base). Here is what Zack M. from Netopalis Sipo Schipinachk Lodge has to say:
What can you say in general about the OA High Adventure programs?
“Each program has something different to offer. Whether it is the types of activities you do, to the people that you meet, to the types of conservation projects that you do. No OAHA program is ever the same.”
What was your favorite aspect of OA High Adventure?
“My favorite aspect of OAHA is meeting other Arrowmen. I came to discover this summer it truly is the people that make the experience what it is. At each OAHA trek, I discovered unique personalities and we all played off each others’ personalities. We all share the same passion for service but we also differ when it comes to personal life, so it was always really eye opening to work on a team of such an awesome, diverse group of Arrowmen. From California to New York each person had something different to bring to the table. It helped me realize how much of an impact they had on me and how much I had on them. Meeting brothers with the same mindset of cheerful service is what I would consider to be my favorite aspect.”
How is OA High Adventure unique?
“Just in general you are allowed to do things normal unit treks wouldn’t be able to do. They trust the crew because they know you are responsible Arrowmen and we are allowed to do those cool things such as go to national forests and parks to provide service. In general, OAHA really does a great job of tying the ideals of our Order together.”
What would you say about the OA High Adventure program as a whole?
“OAHA is a program for any Arrowmen, young or old, no matter what program you go to, it is an absolutely amazing experience. You gain a new appreciation for conservation, for the OA and for Scouting. You gain a lot of applicable skills that you could bring back to your troop, your community, your lodge and your personal life. It is one of the best individual opportunities within the Scouting program. I believe that every Arrowman should take advantage of this amazing opportunity that the OA has to offer!”
We want you to be a part of our 25th anniversary celebration! Be sure to register soon - spots are filling quickly! You can sign up for your own OA High Adventure trek now at oa-bsa.org/high-adventure!