Regalia - the first impression the Order of the Arrow leaves upon its newly inducted brothers. So often it is neglected how influential the indigenous cultures are within our Order. They shape, define, and grant us an identity as a brotherhood of service and caretakers of the outdoors. The traditions of our ceremonies are the first impactful experiences a candidate has in the OA. The question then becomes: Why do we not capitalize more so on this unique opportunity to engage newly inducted Arrowmen? Section C-3B leadership recognized this special occasion and coordinated an event focused on traditional culture which garnered the support and attendance of seven lodges and hundreds of Scouts.
It took communication, dedication, and perseverance, but eventually all the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. The section faced many challenges that arose with organizing a new event - several of which involved marketing to the youth. How do we get Arrowmen to this event? The leadership team opted to rely on lodge representatives, diffusing the information throughout the section down to the chapter level.
After months of planning, all of their hard work came to fruition. At the event, there were activities, shows, training, and most importantly, fellowship. The event fostered relationship growth between lodges and showcased the OA to those Scouts present who had not yet been inducted. One attendee explained that the best part was, “the gathering of all programs within the Scouting Family: Cub Scouts, Scouts, BSA, Sea Scouts, and Venturers alike were present and bonding. Trainings were conducted, lessons taught, but the true takeaways were the memories formed.
Section C-3B’s challenge to all Arrowmen is to explore new ideas. What would be an event that YOU would be interested in - oftentimes others share your interest as well. The event was a testament to the ingenious ideas brought about by the Arrowmen of our great Order. The event’s leaders advised that anyone interested in planning their own event should remember the following: keep your vision in mind - always! Without a vision, without a direction, how are you to succeed? With a vision, and support from others, much can be accomplished! Go out and be a change agent in your local chapter, lodge, or section. Try out the ideas you have, and accept that it is a learning experience if it doesn’t succeed. To change the future you must start today, so what are you waiting for? Become an active agent for change. Congratulations on a successful event, Section C-3B!