One of the most memorable times in a Scout’s life is when they spend time at summer camp! At just the mention of camp, a flood of memories of sitting around a campfire enjoying the great outdoors, singing songs, acting out skits and sharing stories with one another arise. This year, many areas across the nation saw for the first time a halt to these activities. Due to this unexpected halt, it caused many summer camps and councils to be left with a significant financial need.
When Section SR-7A saw this, they knew they had to do something to help. Thus, they got to work and created a Day of Giving, which was hosted on Oct. 24 with the goal of it being to work together to raise funds to help support each council within SR-7A. Throughout the day, lodges, chapters and Arrowmen within SR-7A competed against each other for prizes! These prizes ranged from signed patches from current and past national officers to donations from the section to their chapter or lodge.
As SR-7A’s leadership decided to host the Day of Giving after seeing just how much COVID-19 had negatively impacted the finances of their host councils. They knew they couldn’t just sit by and watch, and with it provided a unique, fun, engaging competition among the participating lodges all in the name of helping their local councils.
Each lodge was responsible for promoting and soliciting donations within their own lodge, while the ultimate prize being bragging rights over the other lodges of who raised the most money. Throughout the course of the day, Section SR-7A and its six lodges were able to raise over $25,000.
Through the hard work of the Arrowmen within SR-7A, the funds raised through the Day of Giving will be able to provide thousands of dollars for their councils and lodges to utilize to deliver a quality program that will create life-long memories.