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Formal announcements from the Order of the Arrow.

OA High Adventure COVID-19 Update

More information about the Order of the Arrow's response to the COVID-19 outbreak can be found ​here. June 4th Update: Philmont Scout...

Chiefly Speaking: From the National Chief Regarding COVID-19

Brothers, Our world has experienced a lot of change in recent days, and I want to take a moment to address...

Chiefly Speaking: NOAC 2020

Dear Arrowman,...

DSA and Red Arrow Award Deadline Reminder

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) was created in 1940 to honor those persons who render service to the Order beyond...

20/20 CHALLENGE - Callout #6

What does NOAC 2020 offer to first time attendees? Excellent training is offered every day on a wide variety of...

Thrive: A National Webinar, A Local Commitment

From 2018 to 2019, the Order of the Arrow suffered its most significant membership loss to date of 12,030 people....

2018 OA Innovation Award Recipients

The Order of the Arrow Innovation Award was established in 2012 to recognize chapters and lodges for developing creative and...

2018 E. Urner Goodman Camping Award Recipients

The E. Urner Goodman Camping Award was established in 1969 as a tribute and testimonial to the Order's founder. Its...

2018 National Service Award Recipients

The Order of the Arrow is pleased to announce the selection of eight lodges for the National Service Award. Established...

2018 OA High Adventure Yearbook

In the summer of 1992, three young Arrowmen had an idea that would soon change the Order of the Arrow...

2019 Congratulatory Eagle Scout Letters

The 2019 editions of the Eagle Scout congratulatory letters are now available from the national chief and vice chief. There...

2019 OA Service Grant Recipients Announced

Since 1999, the National OA Committee has annually selected lodges from each region to receive matching service grants. For 2019, 15...