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Formal announcements from the Order of the Arrow.

2018 Red Arrow Awards

The Red Arrow Award is presented by the National Order of the Arrow Committee for distinguished service to the Order...

2018 Distinguished Service Award Recipients

The Order of the Arrow created the Distinguished Service Award in 1940 in conjunction with the 25th anniversary of the...

Philmont Contingent NOAC Participation Opportunity

With the recent announcement of the closure of Philmont Scout Ranch for the 2018 season, summer plans for a large...

Call-Out Ceremony Submission and Symposium

How can a lodge ignite the spark of within new candidates, improve membership retention and spread our noble goal and...

2018 Cubs to Camps Grant Recipients

The Cubs to Camp Grant initiative seeks to partner the National Order of the Arrow Committee with local lodges in...

2018 OA Distinguished Service Award Selections

The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) was created in 1940 to honor Order of the Arrow members, youth and adults, who...

2018 Congratulatory Eagle Scout Letters

The 2018 editions of the Eagle Scout congratulatory letters are now available from the national chief and vice chief. There is...

2018 Josh Sain Memorial Youth Officer Scholarships

The national committee of the Order of the Arrow is pleased to announce the selection of the recipients of the...

2017 E. Urner Goodman Camping Award Recipients

The E. Urner Goodman Camping Award was established in 1969 as a tribute and testimonial to the Order's founder.  Its...

2017 National Service Award Recipients

The Order of the Arrow is pleased to announce the selection of eight lodges for the National Service Award.  Established...

2017 Innovation Award Recipients

The Order of the Arrow Innovation Award was established in 2012 to recognize chapters and lodges for developing creative and...

NOAC 2018 Airport Shuttle Information

Traveling to NOAC 2018 by plane? Information about airport shuttle service is now available. The NOAC Transportation team has established shuttle...