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Formal announcements from the Order of the Arrow.

What is #ChooseOA?

Finally, the answer to your lodge and chapter’s marketing needs is here. Last summer the National Order of the Arrow...

Introducing the National Training Coordinator

The national Order of the Arrow Training subcommittee is proud to announce the recruitment of Anthony Johnson as the national...

2016 Summer Bulletin

The summer 2016 National Bulletin is now available. This issue includes details on the #ChooseOA initiative, highlights from Prism and...

ICE Portal Launch

Inductions are a crucial facet of the Order of the Arrow. Each lodge has a responsibility to run their inductions...

Tell the world why you #ChooseOA

As a member of the Order of the Arrow, you chose to be a part of an organization greater than...

2017 William “Green Bar Bill” Hillcourt Scholarship

William “Green Bar Bill” Hillcourt, author of the Handbook for Patrol Leaders and America’s first Wood Badge Scoutmaster, was the father...

NEXT Security Brief

The NEXT Security Staff welcomes you to the conference and wishes you a pleasant and safe visit in Bloomington. We...

NEXT Strategy

NEXT delegates will face tough problems as they look beyond into the second century of the Order of the Arrow....

OA Summit Celebration patch sale

Starting on April 15, individuals will be able to purchase two unique, limited-edition patches as members of the National Order...

LLD Fact Sheet

With every OA function comes the need for planning and leadership. The Lodge Leadership Development (LLD) program offers lodges the...

NEXT Conference Vice Chiefs Selected

NEXT could not be accomplished without strong youth leadership. During the 2015 National Planning Meeting, the section chiefs elected the...

Boy Scouts of America Resolution Celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the Order of the Arrow

WHEREAS, in the fledgling years of Scouting, E. Urner Goodman, a young camp director, and Carroll A. Edson, his assistant,...