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ICE Portal Launch

Inductions are a crucial facet of the Order of the Arrow. Each lodge has a responsibility to run their inductions...

Ask the Chairman - Is there a time limit for induction as a Vigil Honor member?

Q: Mr. Capp, When someone is selected to receive the Vigil Honor from the selection committee, do they have a certain...

Ask the Chairman - Can members choose not to participate in the tests of the Ordeal?

Q: Dear Ray, Is it acceptable for members of a chapter or lodge to not participate in one or more of...

Woapalanne Lodge reignites ceremonies tradition

Ceremonies have been known as the foundation for the Order of the Arrow since its beginning. With the loud drum...

Ask the Chairman - Can the camping requirement be waived for a unit level Scouter?

Q: Dear Ray,   A unit in my chapter recently had an election, and one of the adults they want to nominate...

Ask the Chairman - Can someone be considered a Vigil Honor member if they die before induction?

Q: Ray,   If a person is selected for the Vigil Honor by the Vigil nominating committee but passes away before they...

Making a great ceremonial team

Ceremonialists are a unique group of Arrowmen. If you walk through every council camp, you will likely not find a...

Ask the Chairman - Must all ceremony sites be ADA compliant?

Q. Greetings Ray, There seems to be the impression among members of our lodge that, due to the Americans with Disabilities...

Ask the Chairman - Can a Vigil name be changed after the nomination petition is submitted?

Q. Dear Ray, I was debating whether or not I would be willing to be a Vigil guide for a friend...

Ask the Chairman - Should I accept the Vigil Honor if I am having doubts about it?

Q. Mr Capp,   I am an adult volunteer who has recently been nominated to the Vigil Honor. Initially I was surprised...

Ask the Chairman - Can a unit election be conducted in American Indian regalia?

Q. Dear Ray, A unit has requested that our election team conduct their election in American Indian regalia. I have never...

Ask the Chairman - Can a first year Scout meet the camping requirement for OA membership?

Q. Ray,   I am seeking clarification on the wording of the camping requirement for OA membership. The "two-year period prior to...